C10100 Cu-OFE

C10100 Pure Copper Cu-OFE

C10100 Cu-OFE

Thành Phần Vật Liệu

C10100 Pure Copper / Cu-OFE (Oxygen Free Electronic Grade) is an oxygen-free and non phosphorus-deoxidized copper with a guaranteed purity of 99.99%. C10100 Pure Copper / Cu-OFE has a minimum electrical conductivity of 101% IACS (International Annealed Copper Standard). C10100 Pure Copper / Cu-OFE is made from a high purity copper cathode CuCATH-1 (CR001A). This high purity is maintained throughout the entire manufacturing process without the addition of deoxidizing elements such as phosphorus. The consequence of this high purity is an extremely high electrical and thermal conductivity.

Product detail

Đồng Nguyên Chất C10100
Đồng Nguyên Chất C10100

Characteristics of C10100 Pure Copper

C10100 Pure Copper is a type of copper with high ductility and low hardness. This gives it great flexibility, making it easy to bend and work with. C10100 Pure Copper usually has a shiny red color, and it is very resistant to corrosion. In particular, C10100 Pure Copper has excellent electrical and thermal conductivity. The conductivity of C10100 is up to 100% IACS, making it an ideal material for applications in the Electrical - Electronics and mechanical industries. However, because C10100 Pure Copper has almost absolute purity, its value is very high and is usually only used to manufacture electrical and electronic circuits that require relatively high conductivity.

Đồng Tấm C10100

Đồng Tấm C10100

The development of C10100 Pure Copper

C10100 Pure Copper has been used in engineering and civil applications for a long time. Previously, people only used red copper to produce household items such as pans, pots, household appliances... But in recent times, it has been widely used in modern industrial applications. such as making electronic components - electrical circuits, mechanical machinery parts, medical equipment and many other applications.

Why should you use C10100 Pure Copper?

  • The most outstanding feature of C10100 Pure Copper is its high flexibility and ease of bending, making it easy to process and use.
  • It has good corrosion resistance and does not oxidize, making it durable over time and long-term use.
  • C10100 Pure Copper has good electrical and thermal conductivity, making it an ideal material for electronic and mechanical, medical, civil and home decoration applications...

Đồng Đỏ C10100

Đồng Đỏ C10100

4. Frequently asked questions about C10100 Pure Copper

  • What material is C10100 Pure Copper made from? C10100 Pure Copper is made from 99.99% refined copper.
  • Is C10100 Pure Copper highly flexible? Yes, C10100 Pure Copper is highly flexible.
  • Is C10100 Pure Copper resistant to corrosion? Yes, C10100 Pure Copper has good corrosion resistance. This ability helps it maintain high sustainability and durability in humid environments or exposure to corrosive substances.
  • What is the main application of C10100 Pure Copper? C10100 Pure Copper is widely used in industries such as electronics, mechanical engineering and medicine. It is commonly used to produce electronic components, mechanical machinery parts, medical instruments such as blades and many other applications in creating high quality and durable products.

C10100 Pure Copper

C10100 Pure Copper

5. What are the benefits of using C10100 Pure Copper?

  • High reliability: C10100 Pure Copper has been used for many years and is proven to be a reliable material with stable performance in engineering applications. Purification of C10100 Pure Copper reaches 99.90% pure copper.
  • Corrosion resistance: C10100 Pure Copper has good corrosion resistance, helping it maintain durability and longevity.
  • Easy to process: The versatility of C10100 Pure Copper makes its processing and use easier and more flexible.

C10100 OFC Copper

C10100 OFC Copper

Generally, C10100 Pure Copper is an ideal choice for technical applications thanks to its flexibility, corrosion resistance and excellent electrical and thermal conductivity. With experience, expertise and reputation built over many years, C10100 Pure Copper is a reliable material for mechanical and electronic projects. If you are looking for a high quality and durable material for your application, consider C10100 Pure Copper. Please contact Kojako Vietnam Co., Ltd. immediately for the fastest consultation and quote.

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